Data collection on the clinical practice of Hodgkin Lymphoma in Belgium

16 septembre 2019

The customer applied for a reimbursement extension (new indication) in Belgium for one of their pharmaceutical products for the treatment of Hodgkin Lymphoma. The customer has asked Hict for support of this reimbursement submission, specifically data collection of expert opinion via a survey and a consensus meeting.

Expertise: Market Access, Market Research

Project Highlights

Customer: Confidential

Main Goal: Data collection of Belgian-specific data

Main Result: Survey & consensus meeting resulting in report with validated Belgian data

This support includes

  • Development of a survey
  • ‘Pilot’ visit (interview) to validate the survey
  • Processing of survey data and preparation of consensus meeting
  • Moderation of a consensus meeting
  • Development of a consensus statement report

The consensus meeting was designed to provide an answer to strategic questions in the context of the reimbursement submission and launch of the product in Belgium: Who are the patients for whom the product would add the most value in Belgium within the target population (label)?

  • In which patient population will the product add the most value and provide the most differentiation versus the current SoC?
    • Patient characteristics (such as age, gender)
    • Disease-related factors (such as staging)
    • Comorbidities
    • Etc.

The following research questions were defined:

  • Epidemiology
  • Current clinical practice (standard of care)
  • Future clinical practice


Hict’s approach consisted of the following two main phases:

Phase 1 – Intake phase

During the intake phase, the context, strategy and key parameters of the submission are discussed and analyzed. The proposed data collection approach is finetuned and finalized in cooperation with the customer.

Phase 2 – Data collection

Based on the data collection approach discussed and validated during the intake phase, the data collection protocol is executed during the data collection phase.

The following approach is provided for the data collection:

  • A preparatory data collection survey is developed by Hict and validated by a ‘pilot’ expert during an interview.
  • The data collection survey is sent to and filled out by 19 survey participants (n=19).
  • The survey results are processed by Hict and consolidated in a presentation, to be used during the consensus meeting.
  • A consensus meeting is held, with a subgroup of the survey participants (n=7), to discuss and validate the survey results.
    • Where applicable, the data was discussed until a consensus was reached.
    • The organization and moderation of the consensus meeting was done by Hict.
  • The results from the consensus meeting was described in a consensus report, which contains the survey results, the discussions during the meeting, and the final consensus statements.
  • The consensus report is sent to the meeting participants for validation.
  • A second version of the consensus report, which contains any corrections/remarks made by the meeting participants, is sent to all survey participants, who are invited to support the document.


  • Kick-off meeting in which the strategy of the data collection approach is determined in cooperation with the customer
  • Visit with ‘pilot’ expert to validate the survey
  • Survey on the clinical practice of Hodgkin Lymphoma in Belgium
  • Processing of the survey answers and consolidation in a presentation to be used during the consensus meeting
  • Consensus meeting on the clinical practice of Hodgkin Lymphoma in Belgium (organized and moderated by Hict)
  • Consensus report, validated by the meeting participants, and supported by the other survey participants