Support during development of strategic vision and capacity plan

02 mai 2019

Hict was asked to support in the development of a strategic vision, the programming of the range of care and the calculation of the capacity, surface and budget for a number of strategic scenario’s.

Project Highlights

  • Customer: Epicura
  • Main Goal: Model-based determination of strategic site re-organisation
  • Main Result: Strategic scenario analysis, supported by a calculated forecasting capacity model


During an intial project, Hict calculated the amount of hospital beds needed in 2025, based on a self-developed forecasting model.

Subsequently Hict developed a transition plan to reorganize the sites of Hornu and Baudour as efficiently as possible. Finally Hict solved several problems related to the functioning of the medical and supporting services.

Next, Hict consolidated the results of the first two projects. Based on these data a business case was developed to integrate the three sites of EpiCURA further.

Different scenarios were developed, each with individual programs for the range of care. Based on these programs it was decided which care services were necessary and budget was estimated.



  • Calculation bed capacity on 10 year term
  • Transitional plan for the reorganisation
  • Business case for site integration and renovation