InsightOut: Value-based Healthcare... Beyond the Hype

14 februari 2020

At Hict's inaugural InsightOut event, Hict associated expert Prof. Lieven Annemans and our very own Sebastian Vermeersch joined forces to outline the case why Value-Based Healthcare is the cornerstone of ongoing healthcare transformation.


Since its formal introduction in Porter's seminal paper, the value-based healthcare paradigm has suffered a bit of overhyping.

Outlining the key challenges and providing a clear view on how to move value-based healthcare beyond the hype, Prof. Annemans made a strong case for its practical use. Sebastian further drove home the message by demonstrating how value-based paradigms can bring meaningful change to Belgian HIV care.

Key message: industry can play an important role in driving change.


We would like to thank al participants for the stimulating debate.

Want to know more about value-based healthcare or how to act on its principles?
Don't hesitate to reach out!

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