07 may 2024

Advanced therapy medicinal products (ATMPs) represent an emerging and rapidly evolving market. ATMPs aim to correct cellular or genetic dysfunctions rather than target imbalances and symptoms.

These therapies require specific expertise and training, as well as specific infrastructure that needs to adhere to certain criteria and conditions to be considered a Qualified Treatment Center. This also means that a minimal number of patients per year need to be treated at such a center.

Delivering these therapies in every country is simply not feasible and thus patients have to cross borders to access treatment.

We are currently working on a reference case to share with you. In the meantime, we have made available the report we made: "Cross-border Healthcare for advanced therapies: Toward more transparent, predictable, and equitable access."

Report CBHC ATMP Workflow

Cross-border Healthcare for advanced therapies: Toward more transparent, predictable, and equitable access

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