Result-driven expertise for Healthcare Providers, Suppliers and Public Services

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Solutions in the spotlight


Our offer tailored to mental healthcare

Investing in cocreation, participation, scientific substantiation, data driven decisions, population management, and expertise from the sector to take on the current and future challenges concerning care needs and demands, as well as legislation and financing.

Discover more on our mental healthcare expertise
Header GGZ Rounded Heart
Screenshot PHM Dashboard

Population Health Management: Strategically managing tailored to the care needs

Understand and organize based on the specific needs of a target group.

Population Health Management assisted by our expertise and our dashboard allows organizations to take well-founded decisions that closely align with the healthcare demands of a specific population, such as elderly people with complex care demands, patients with chronic conditions or inhabitants in a specific region.

Check out our expertise and book a demo

Financial Model

Create an overview of costs and profits by bringing together different data sources, and estimate the operational cost of the hospital or a specific department.

Discover our financial model
Fin model pie chart en

CaSPr: The simulation tool for Strategic Hospital Planning

CaSPr (Capacity and Staffing Prediction) is a scientifically validated prediction model to simulate future care demand and capacity. The output generated by CaSPr is an essential input for strategic decisions within your hospital (network).

More on this solution
Ca S Pr Capacity Analyses Pulmonary

We offer different solutions to use your data and get the information you need to make the right decisions.

Besides the solutions highlighted above we also have a Hospital Strategic Model and a dashboard for Nurse Call Analytics.

We are also working on other data analyses focussed on particular hospital departments, such as the emergencies, OR, and the acute admissions department.


Getting our patients abroad for ATMP treatment: Are we ready?

In Europe, healthcare has always been a national responsibility, but with the arrival of gene therapies and other advanced therapy medicinal products (ATMPs), the boundaries of our systems are tested. Or they will be crossed. Literally.

Read our full article
Atmp home page

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