AZ Zeno appointed Hict to perform the H-SDG Quick-Scan module. An H-SDG Quick-scan gives a quick insight into the current position of the healthcare institution within the domains of sustainability for the different hospital functions.
We developed our own method for guiding healthcare institutions towards higher sustainability at all levels: the Healthcare-SDG Framework or H-SDG framework, an integrated method that combines the goals from the Sustainable Development Goals with those from the healthcare institution's Quintuple Aim.
The Quintuple Aim groups the healthcare institution's future vision of healthcare strategy into five domains: equity & inclusion, care team wellbeing, patient experience, reducing cost, population health. When we combine these Quintuple Aim domains with the goals from the Sustainable Development Goals, we see the focus areas of the Healthcare-SDG Framework: added value for professionals, improving service and process design, reducing energy consumption and waste and increasing biodiversity.
AZ Zeno appointed Hict to carry out the H-SDG Quick-Scan module to be able to move in the right direction with relevant objectives. The quick-scan consists of an analysis and comparison with best practices and reference projects. These best practices are derived from the interpretation of the Sustainable Development Goals for these hospital functions. The insights on the current position guide the objectives in the transition to the (upcoming) obligations for sustainability (ESG) at European and national level.
We did the analysis using walkthroughs, workshops and interviews to get a clear picture of the current state of affairs regarding sustainability aspects within AZ Zeno's hospital functions on the campuses in Knokke-Heist and Blankenberge.
The insights from the tours, interviews and workshops allowed us to identify potential projects grouped according to the five focus areas. For each of the five focus areas, we brought together all the insights from the walkthroughs, interviews and workshops and compared them with the best practices and reference projects. In addition, to avoid any blind spots, the results were again tested against the Sustainable Development Goals targets. Concrete examples of these projects are
In total, more than 40 projects were inventoried. Each potential project was scaled by theme using an evaluation of impact and effort criteria. The impact/effort evaluation, in combination with the healthcare institution's mission, vision and values, can help in the selection of projects to be further implemented.
The hospital functions that we take into consideration are grouped according to which most hospitals are organized: