Definition of the strategic objectives and indicators

11 june 2019

Logo stands for "LOkaal GezondheidsOverleg" (local deliberation on health). Logos are geographically defined networks wherein different organisations collaborate to execute the Flemish preventive care policy on a regional level. The Logos contribute thus to the realisation of the Flemish health objectives. They are the link between the experts (partner organisations) and the actors on the ground (prevention organisations). The Logos work around different topics that are linked to health objectives such as nutrition and exercise, fall prevention, mental health, tabacco, alcohol and drugs, etc.

Expertise: Policy

Project Highlights

  • Customer: Logo's Vlaanderen
  • Main Goal: Support LOGOs in defining strategic objectives and indicators
  • Main Result: Strategic objectives, critical success factors and key performance indicators were defines during two interactive workmeetings, in cooperation with the LOGOs and delegations of coordinators

The Logos look for support to define these strategic objectives (SO) and to formulate indicators that allow them to check to what extent these objectives have been achieved. Specifically they asked to define these interactively during two meetings.


A kick-off meeting was organised during the preparatory phase to make sure that the work that was previously done was taken into account and that the expectations were clear. A concept was created for the two meetings based on this input.

The strategic objectives were defined and the critical succes factors (CSF) were determined during the first meeting. During a second session the key performance indicators (KPIs) were defined so that the progress towards the objectives could be followed. Both sessions were interactive, and a delegation of coordinators attended.

These three elements are the basis for a balanced scorecard (BSC), with it they can do the planning, and the execution, check the progress, and adjuct the strategic management.


  • The strategic objectives (SO) were defined
  • The critical success factors (CSF) were defined
  • The key performance indicators (KPI) were defined