Depending on the timing within the product life cycle and the challenges you are facing, our different health economic services can support you.
Model development
We develop different types of model: dynamic budget impact models and pharmaco-economic models (cost-effectiveness, cost-minimisation, and cost-utility models)
We can support you during the early stages of development with early decision models
We develop models for reimbursement submissions
We develop models to support and impact your current market access context
Validation, adaptation and translation of existing models to a country specific context
Different types of data collection
Database analysis (e.g. hospital invoices, national MZG-MKG data)
Literature review on epidemiology, standard of care, costs, etc.
Expert opinion analysis
Survey and interviews (result: expert opinion report)
Survey and consensus meeting (result: consensus statement)
Patient chart review
Patient registry
Development of reports on health economic models – clear and transparent for payers, meeting local guidelines