Meeting 144757 F0265 HICT

You are active in the healthcare sector and would benefit from specialised and customised consulting services. Our healthcare-focused expertise, innovative ideas and project-based implementations can support you and your challenges within this market.

Hict focuses exclusively on the healthcare market and uses its specialised expertise in this sector to work with healthcare providers, healthcare suppliers and public services related to the healthcare sector.

Our understanding of the complex environment of the healthcare sector is our core expertise. Based on this knowledge our team formulates personalised advice and implements the developed solutions for all players within the sector. We offer you a wide range of expertise, a multidisciplinary team and a professional project approach and methodology, tailor-made to the healthcare sector.

Healthcare providers

Hict offers extensive services to healthcare providing organisations, such as:

  • Hospitals
  • Hospital networks
  • Specialist clinics
    • Psychiatric clinics / Mental healthcare
    • Private clinics
    • Etc.
  • Rest and nursing homes & other projects related to geriatric care
  • Home care organisations
  • Etc.
Healthcare Providers

Healthcare suppliers

The healthcare sector constitutes of a large network of suppliers offering products and services:

  • Pharmaceutical companies
  • Medical device companies
  • Technology companies
  • Software companies
  • Healthcare start-ups
  • Etc

We use our in-depth knowledge of the healthcare providers and the sector, and our specialized expertise and methodologies, to support suppliers in bringing products and services to the market.

Healthcare Suppliers

Public Services

The public services occupy a central role in health policies on different levels (international, European, federal, regional and municipal). Authorities and non-profit organisations occupy a critical role when it comes to legislation, financing and facilitation of innovation in healthcare. The field of public services is broadly defined:

  • Public authorities
  • Public agencies
  • Sickness funds & Zorgverzekeraars
  • Insurance companies
  • Professional associations
  • Sector federations
  • Reginal networks
  • Multi-stakeholder networks

Hict's ambition is to define and carry out research, advice and implementation of the organisational and policy improvements in collaboration with and for these public services.

Public Services
133591 F0240 HICT

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