The healthcare sector is responsible for the fifth largest contribution of CO2 emissions.
Hict developped a Healthcare-SDG Framework, an integrated method that combines the goals of the Sustainable Development Goals with the Quintuple Aim of the healthcare organisation.
The functions of a healthcare organisation according to three scopes of impact on the environment, on society and the governance.
Hict offers you an H-SDG project where we setup a strategic SDG-plan for your organisation.
An H-SDG project has a Quick-Scan module and a Project module. The scope of the assignment differs as well as its depth.
The Hict H-SDG Framework offers an integrated solution to take on current and future challenges.
Looking for more information or for a partner to make your healthcare organisation more durable? Contact Christophe!
Souhaitez-vous plus d’informations ou cherchez-vous un partenaire pour rendre votre organisation de soins plus durable ? Pour le marché francophone, contactez Yasmine !
Make your organisation more durable.
We are happy to guide you!