133591 F0272 HICT

Hict’s policy team is dedicated to helping resolve the multifaceted issues faced by various stakeholders within the healthcare system. Through co-creation with healthcare providers, suppliers, patients, and governmental organizations, we help shape the path towards a more efficient and sustainable healthcare ecosystem.

Working towards a better healthcare system: a shared objective with diverse challenges

Healthcare providers, suppliers, patients, and governmental organizations often share common goals and face similar challenges in reaching those goals. Nevertheless, the specific perspectives and interests of each stakeholder group add unique aspects to those challenges. What might be a significant issue for healthcare providers could be perceived differently by suppliers, patients, or governmental bodies. This divergence can lead to considerable debate and misaligned interests, making it difficult to find common ground.

The core problem

A major obstacle is the lack of neutral platforms where stakeholders can engage in constructive discussions. There are limited opportunities for these groups to come together, understand each other’s viewpoints, and work collaboratively towards shared objectives. This gap hampers the development of inclusive solutions that consider the unique aspects of the common challenges faced by each stakeholder.

Hict bridges the gap

Hict aims to bridge this gap by creating a safe, neutral space for stakeholders to comprehensively discuss their unique views on shared issues. Our approach always includes:

  1. Thorough analysis:We start with an in-depth analysis of the healthcare system issues, using objective data and literature. This analysis is enriched by insights from key opinion leaders and academic partners familiar with the healthcare landscape to ensure we capture the implications of the healthcare system issues in practice for each stakeholder.
  2. Collaborative dialogue:Leveraging our extensive knowledge of the healthcare system, we facilitate critical yet constructive discussions. These dialogues focus on what stakeholders agree on, what needs to be understood about each other's contexts, and how to address disagreements. Through active involvement of each type of stakeholder, we work towards solving disputes where possible and improving collaborative efforts to achieve common objectives despite remaining differences.
  3. Practical recommendations: Our process works towards the formulation of actionable recommendations. This means proposing solutions that are designed to be feasible and practical, ready for implementation. We share our findings and recommendations through reports, academic publications, conferences, and webinars to ensure broad dissemination and uptake.

Why Hict for policy?

  • In-depth healthcare knowledge: Our deep understanding of the healthcare system enables us to constructively guide critical discussions.
  • Comprehensive view on healthcare: Our transversal knowledge allows us to see the overarching issues and their specific implications for different stakeholders.
  • Broad network: We tap into a wide network of stakeholders to gather diverse insights and foster collaboration.

Architect-Builder approach

We provide evidence-based, expert, and stakeholder supported concrete recommendations that are practical and ready to be implemented.

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