Our Expertise

Our core team of experts is at your service to help you deliver tangible outcomes for your projects.

Whether you are a healthcare provider, supplier or a public service – our multidisciplinary team likely has access to the expertise and experience you need, nationally and internationally.

Have a look at the overview, including a selection of recent cases below, or get in touch to discuss how we can help you achieve your goals!

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Assisting stakeholders in healthcare systems to shape, to translate, to accept and to implement their strategic ambitions.

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Translating the design of the organisation into a concrete realisation connecting the right process design, technology and people.

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Identifying, quantifying, developing and raising awareness on the value of your product, technology or service across stakeholders.

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Bringing your product or service to market leveraging our health economics, market access and reimbursement expertise.

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Hict’s policy team is dedicated to helping resolve the multifaceted issues faced by various stakeholders within the healthcare system. Through co-creation with healthcare providers, suppliers, patients, and governmental organizations, we help shape the path towards a more efficient and sustainable healthcare ecosystem.

Our specific sectors

Healthcare providers

Hict offers an extensive array of consulting services for care-providing organisations in the healthcare sector, such as hopsitals, specialised (psychiatric, private,...) hospitals and many others.

Healthcare suppliers

Hict analyses, advises and realises from the healthcare provider's perspective in order to optimise the value chain between the suppliers and the care providers.

Public services

Hict's ambition is to carefully define and specifically carry out the necessary research, advice and implementation of policies together with and for Public Services.

How can we optimise your business?

Contact us to find out how we can help you!

Contact us
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