Strategically tailoring care to health needs

Image Basic Needs Approach

What is population health management and why is it important?

Population Health Management revolves around understanding and organizing care based on the specific needs of a target population.

It enables organizations to make informed decisions that align with the health requirements of particular groups, such as elderly individuals with complex care needs, patients with chronic conditions, or residents of a specific region.

Population Health Management is a socially relevant topic, both at the policy level and in daily operational practice. The central goal is to improve the health of a specific population through targeted, data-driven, and integrated interventions.

This approach allows organizations to deploy resources more effectively, leading not only to higher quality care but also to greater efficiency within the healthcare system. This approach seamlessly aligns with the principles of Value-Based Healthcare, which centers on maximizing health value for patients. By combining Population Health Management with Value-Based Healthcare, a powerful framework emerges where population-focused strategies and value-driven care mutually reinforce each other.

The focus can be on various care institutions or the connections between them, including hospitals, care hubs, primary care providers, community services, mental health centers, general practices, and even governmental organizations. Collaboration among these diverse care providers not only enhances population health but also establishes a solid foundation for integrated care. Integrated care better addresses patients' complex needs and fosters a more cohesive and patient-centered approach.

Hict’s contribution to population health management

To successfully integrate Population Health Management into your care strategy, we follow five sequential steps. These steps are grounded in real-world examples frequently encountered by care organizations:

  1. Analysis of population needs: Identify the healthcare demand within a specific region.
  2. Data visualization and decision making: Create insightful data to recognize trends and needs.
  3. Strategy development: Formulate a healthcare strategy tailored to the population.
  4. Implementation: Support the execution and anchoring of strategic priorities.
  5. Evaluation and optimization: Measure results and adjust as necessary.

Hict can assist at every step with unique tools and methodological expertise.

PHM Cycle WHO 2013

Examples of our approach

1. Insights and decision making through data visualization

We start with data and expertise. First, the healthcare region is clearly defined in terms of demand. Next, we use advanced data visualization to map trends and needs, based on publicly available data like IMA statistics. This enables care organizations to base their strategies on concrete figures.

To illustrate, consider a practical example: AZ Hict, a fictional hospital in Ghent. Using our dashboard, this hospital gains deep insights into the prevalence of diabetes in their care region. These insights support strategic decisions, such as strengthening multidisciplinary collaborations or optimizing outpatient clinics.

Screenshot PHM Dashboard

*AZ Hict is a fictitious hospital in Ghent, created to present the possibilities in our Population Health Management dashboard.

**Number of inhabitants from the denominator of episodes with anti-diabetics or nomenclature referring to diabetes (diabetes convention, diabetes pass, care path diabetes) per 1000 beneficiaries.

2. Developing a healthcare strategy

Together with your organization, we develop a concrete healthcare strategy based on insights from Population Health Management. During implementation, we support you with specific KPIs that measure the impact of your interventions.

These measurable indicators allow you to continuously refine your strategy to adapt to evolving healthcare needs. The KPIs directly align with the Value-Based Healthcare methodology, considering clinical outcomes, patient experiences, and cost-effectiveness. This integrated approach optimizes both individual patient value and the health of the entire population.

Examples include:

  • Attracting specific healthcare professionals: Through strategic insights into local and regional care needs, we help your organization recruit and retain professionals who align with future challenges.
  • Optimizing care offerings: We assist in analyzing and restructuring care offerings to match the specific needs of patient populations in your region.
  • Enhancing collaboration among care actors: By fostering networks and partnerships among various care institutions, general practitioners, and other stakeholders, we create an integrated, coordinated approach that improves care quality and accessibility.
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3. Empowering care institutions through licenses for the Population Health Management dashboard

Hict provides a dashboard offering an overview of the socio-demographic situation and healthcare intervention usage within the care region of a specific institution.

With this tool, care organizations can independently apply Population Health Management, aligning future care offerings with patient needs. Institutions can analyze, visualize, innovate, and optimize independently, resulting in improved patient outcomes and care that remains personal and effective.

Getting started with Hict

Would you like to explore how Hict can support your organization in Population Health Management? Request a demo and discover the possibilities of our Population Health Management Dashboard.

Together, we build a sustainable, efficient, and patient-centered future for healthcare.

Pieter Vanleenhove

Senior Manager

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Nathalie Baillieul


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